Frequent questions

How much is the shipping fee?
The shipping fee varies from product to product. Occasionally, there will be special discounts and promotions. Check the particular product for the shipping rate and always stay up to date with our promotions and discounts on our various social networks.

Do you have free shipping?
YEAH! As we have said, we have some promotions and discounts with our products. During special hours, we will offer free shipping for our products. Plus, we will have FREE items and all you will have to pay for is shipping. Check out our announcement on our home page or on our social media.

When my order arrived?
There is no defined and fixed number of days for the arrival of the product. It will depend on the size of the product. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the product to arrive to you.

Can I cancel my order once it has been placed?
As soon as you place your order, we immediately process it into our inventory, so unfortunately you cannot cancel any orders placed. Please make sure you are 110% sure about purchasing the product before making payment.

Do you have a return policy?
Please see the Terms and Conditions page for our returns policy and other concerns.

Where can I contact you with product concerns?
You can contact us by emailing us on our contact page or messaging us on our social media channels.

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